I was fortunate to have found Nathan Ainley. He patiently interviewed me to uncover my therapeutic goals, needs, and concerns. Over a brief period of time, Nathan walked me through a comprehensive understanding of the root causes of my struggles. Nathan helped me gain perspectives that not only validated why I was feeling the way I did but he also ensured that knew I wasn’t the only one struggling. He provided me with a number of pragmatic tools and exercises, along with coaching, to maximize their utility. Ultimately, Nathan’s skillful techniques created an atmosphere of comfort and trust that helped me make significant gains. I wish I would have found him years ago.

Nate is a very talented and compassionate counseling professional. His love of people and dedication to God’s truth is evident in how he carefully navigates the complexities of our struggles as humans in a broken world. I would highly recommend him to anyone seeking mental or spiritual wellness.

Nate was an excellent counselor for me. I worked with home for a good chunk of 2024 and he really helped me through a lot in that time. He was always understanding, nonjudgmental, and kind about the advice he gave. I have recommended him to friends and will continue to do so!

When I first started talk therapy I was very reluctant. Nate worked with me and really helped me.

Nate is a fantastic listener who brings a level of atunement to conversations that is really quite comforting. I believe this lays the ground work for informed questions that help to uncover the thing beneath the thing. He is compassionate in his approach and talking with him has been wonderful experience.