I have known John Lakvold of Seattle Christian Counseling for almost a year. He and I share thoughts on the mental health needs of our community, as I have volunteered my service at several outreach Recovery programs through Dalton Gardens Church of Christ. He is always willing to offer helpful suggestions based on his years of experience. I can highly recommend him and the services he provides.

I know John will always provide guidance that leads to the best outcome.

I offer this review for the practice of Seattle Christian Counseling. I have found John to be focused and sensitive to the mental health needs of this community. He is very knowledgeable and easy to understand while discussing complex issues of mental illness and depression.

I know John personally, he is thoughtful and very considerate. He is compassionate and that shows in the way he serves other people. He is highly recommended by my.

Access to quality mental health has never been more important than today. John is an excellent counselor and therapist. He listens carefully. He responds gently, compassionately, and intelligently. He is a man of high moral character and takes great responsibility in the care he provides. I highly recommend him.