How to Recognize the Symptoms of Anxiety
Symptoms of anxiety are normal. According to the National Institute of Mental Health (2017), 6.8 million Americans struggle with anxiety...
continue reading »Articles about Individual Counseling
Symptoms of anxiety are normal. According to the National Institute of Mental Health (2017), 6.8 million Americans struggle with anxiety...
continue reading »Has there ever been a time in your life when you’ve said to yourself, “I can’t take this anxiety or...
continue reading »After counseling for 25 years, some of the most asked questions in therapy are: “Why do I let my emotions...
continue reading »In many counseling offices across the country, there is an increasing number of individuals who are suffering from issues of...
continue reading »Grief is a normal emotional response to loss. Every person experiences a manifestation of grief at some point in their...
continue reading »Bob and Jane (names changed) came into my office several years ago reporting that though they loved each other, Bob’s...
continue reading »Everyone has felt sad or down at one point or another as life can bring challenges to our lives. Even...
continue reading »The Department of Justice (2017) defines verbal or emotional abuse as: “undermining an individual’s sense of self-worth and/or self-esteem. This...
continue reading »During the early stages of a relationship, your partner may seem like the perfect person, opening and closing the door...
continue reading »It’s interesting how we as human beings perceive the meaning of life, including the meaning of right from wrong, moral...
continue reading »A scientist once conducted an experiment where she placed one frog into a pan of very hot water. The frog...
continue reading »When a new client comes through my door and reports feeling worthless, useless, and powerless, I seek understanding. More often...
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