Finding the Right Help for Post ...
Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, more commonly known as PTSD, is a mental health condition that affects millions of Americans. You...
continue reading »Articles about Trauma
Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, more commonly known as PTSD, is a mental health condition that affects millions of Americans. You...
continue reading »The Addiction Campuses Editorial Team (2018) point out that no one leaves childhood unscathed. At some point, we were all...
continue reading »If you’re looking for a current, accurate trauma definition, this article will provide helpful information. Trauma Definition Trauma is defined...
continue reading »One day I was riding my bike on a back-country road where residents tend to let their dogs roam off...
continue reading »This is Part 1 in a series of three articles that will discuss themes from the book, The Body Keeps...
continue reading »Power and control are at the epicenter of every abusive relationship, and they are the pulpit from which the abuser...
continue reading »In the following article, I will answer the question, “What is trauma?” Different people may have different trauma definitions or...
continue reading »In my line of work, I often work with children, teens, and adults who have been sexually assaulted. Upon my...
continue reading »When a new client comes through my door and reports feeling worthless, useless, and powerless, I seek understanding. More often...
continue reading »Was there ever a time in your life that you wanted to tell someone you’re in desperate need of help,...
continue reading »Think of the garden scene in the book, Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland. Throughout the story, Alice wants to get to...
continue reading »The very mention of the word trauma strikes fear into the heart of all of us. Immediately when we read...
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