Prayers and Plans: Spiritual Development Strategies for Winning the War in Your Mind
Kristen Zuray
In some Christian circles, there is no shortage of talk about the devil and his antics. Scripture advises us to be aware of the enemy’s devices and schemes. However, we don’t need to become so fearful that we disconnect from our identity as beloved sons and daughters of the Most High God. Spiritual development can help us avoid that.
There is a distinct and inarguable authority that Jesus has equipped us with to wage good warfare. We engage spiritual artillery and prayer to enact Heaven’s battle plan to subdue the spirit at work in the world (1 John 2:16).

For us to be successful, that is fighting the “good fight of faith,” we must apply our God-given authority, armor, and action to release God’s intentions (1 Timothy 6:12).
Authority in spiritual development
Jesus has furnished us with advance knowledge that we would face trouble, even as He did. That doesn’t have to weaken us but console and bolster confidence in our identity and godly authority. Christ has armed us to conquer and overcome (John 16:33; Romans 8:37).
In His death and resurrection, Jesus secured eternal victory, bringing every demonic rank that contends against our mental, emotional, and spiritual health, into captivity. Because we live in Him, we are also seated with Him, far above the forces of darkness that operate in the unseen (Colossians 2:15; 2 Corinthians 10:4-5).
Therefore, if you have been raised with Christ, keep seeking the things that are above, where Christ is, seated at the right hand of God. – Colossians 3:1, NASB
Christ furnished us with necessary spiritual armor to dress us for the war that we sense, but don’t necessarily see (Ephesians 6:10-18). As champion and Commander of Angel Armies, He dispatches the host of heaven to protect and preserve us, pushing back the forces of darkness (2 Kings 6:15-17).
We are equipped to stand in a spiritual battle that isn’t against ourselves or other people. It is against the adversary that seems to be more aware than we are concerning the power and authority that we have (Ephesians 6:10). He wouldn’t fight so viciously if we posed no threat to him or his kingdom.
For this reason, believers must have a battle plan from Heaven (Ephesians 6:18). Our adversary capitalizes on deceit and distraction to advance our destruction. Yet, too often, we underestimate the threat and its impacts because we don’t see our opponent.
We have full body armor that is spiritual in nature, but also equips us to stand in the fight that feels as real as any physical match. Scripture is clear that our weapons are not man-made, but mighty through our Lord Jesus, who always causes us to triumph over our enemy (1 Corinthians 15:57).
Our battle plan is discovered and developed in prayer. When we meet with God and spend time with the Holy Spirit, He will reveal the enemy’s strategies. Furthermore, He guides us, giving us practical steps and spiritual power to reinforce Satan’s defeat. None of this happens automatically, but rather with intention as we put into practice what we pray and say we believe.
We demonstrate our faith through works and actions that reflect our convictions (James 2:18). Obedient follow-through conveys confidence in our King. It sends a clear signal to the seen and unseen realms when we assert the authority of who God said we are and back it with our behavior.
We don’t have to cower in fear of the enemy. The Scriptures highlight countless stories when ordinary men and women performed extraordinary and everyday miracles, signs, and wonders fueled by the faith that we also possess.
Next steps for spiritual development
Wherever you are in your spiritual growth journey, you can live boldly according to what the Scriptures say about your identity in Christ. Gather support to cheer you forward if you are experiencing challenges with confidence in your spiritual walk.
Choose a coach on this site and schedule to meet. You can take the next steps to embrace your authority in Christ, clothe yourself in the spiritual armor, and take action to demonstrate your faith. God equips and covers you in every battle, beginning with the one in your mind.
“Bible”, Courtesy of Priscilla Du Preez,, CC0 License; “Prayer”, Courtesy of Daiga Ellaby,, CC0 License; “Armor”, Courtesy of Nik Shuliahin,, CC0 License